Raw Natural Conch Shell Specimen Pendant
Raw Natural Conch Shell Specimen Pendant
Length: About 30-35mm
Type: Conch Shell Quartz Necklace
What is Sacred Geometry?
To many, nature is one vast collection of patterns that all link back to certain elements and meanings. Sacred geometry is the arcane science of seeing through these patterns in our everyday lives. Sacred geometry connects everything in nature. Snowflakes, flowers, blades of grass, trees, even our own DNA is all a part of sacred geometry through the repeating patterns which occur within them.
These patterns that emerge naturally are said to carry the energy of life and nature throughout them. Repeating patterns are strong both mathematically and spiritually. Sacred geometry is the belief in these patterns and the belief in life.
The Golden Ratio
Before we can get into seashells, we must first discuss the natural phenomena on which sacred geometry exists! The Golden Ratio, also known as the Fibonacci Pattern, is the basis for most sacred geometry. Appearing in hurricanes, sunflowers, and all other natural formations, this spiral shape is thought to be the most perfect shape in the universe. The Golden Ratio is also known as phi, or 1.618 in mathematics. This particular spiral was used throughout history in architecture, classical art, and, as we know, it is naturally occurring in nature. This Golden Ratio is what sacred geometry develops on, and what keeps the energy of the world flowing in its hypnotic and vital spiral motion.
The Nautilus Shell
Countless seashells possess a spiral within them. Most are perfect circles if left unbroken, winding round and round within themselves. In particular, the Chambered Nautilus shell is one that holds an abundance of sacred geometrical wisdom. The Chambered Nautilus is a fossil of a mollusk. This fossil is highly sought after by spiritualists and fossil enthusiasts alike!
The Nautilus shell’s chambers are all used to keep the ancient mollusk buoyant in the deep ocean or allow it to sink when it desires by filling the chambers with water. The shell of the mollusk grows bigger as the mollusk grows, making new chambers each time to ensure a perfect fit. After the creature has passed on, this special shell remains.
The Power of The Spiral
The Nautilus shell’s symbolism tells us that we must never continue growing. Like the chambers of this shell, once you outgrow one you must continue on to another, forming the levels of your life with each moment of growth you experience. Not one experience can tie us down; as living creatures, we must grow and learn from our environment and create our own chambers to make our perfect fit.
Finding a Nautilus shell is incredibly lucky. If you happen upon one, hold it in your hands and sit in silence for a bit. Run your fingers along the chambered spiral and try to listen to the natural rhythm of the ancient shell.
Sacred Geometry does well to remind us that we are all connected in some way. The Golden Ratio exists within everyone and every other living thing, and through it, we can find ways to grow and change to become better than we originally were. This summertime, consider how the world around us can change us. Learn from the ancient spirals of the Nautilus shell that life goes on, and we must adjust to it regardless.